Shop and Slay, Belles!

It is that time of year again!  It is the time of year where all reason goes out of the door and impulse shopping hits an all time high.  Holiday shopping is the sugar high all of us shopaholics live for.  Its the only time where people don't judge us.  We can charge through the aisles of every brick and mortar retail store in Uggs, a bonnet, jogging pants, a satin pajama top and an unzipped North Face frothing at the mouth and no one will even cast a second glance.  And if they do, its a knowing nod.  Because we are all out here for the same things, y’all!  Deals, deals, and more deals!  We are not just shopping, we are SHOPPING, impulsively snatching whatever we can grab. The only people still in these streets are other people with the same illness we’ve got.


Now I used to have no shame about looking crazy while I did my holiday shopping.  I knew I was going to be elbow deep in madness, so I had to be ready.  Then one day last year during the holidays I rolled past a mirror and actually saw myself.  My outfit looked so much more different under the glare of florescent mall lighting than it did when I left home.  Yes, I knew that nothing I had on matched. Yes I knew I had on red jogging pants with pony haired Uggs. Yes I knew that my chunky crochet hat was a little loose and a little peesy.  Yes, I knew I did not have on a stitch of makeup.  But I thought I was serving Brooklyn style hobo chic realness.  The mirror in the mall showed me what I was really serving: Mr. snuffaluffagus meets Mrs. Roeper type shenanigans.  So I have decided to step my game up.  After all, It is not hard.  You don’t have to do much to look decent, just pick a cute dress, some nice shoes, fill in your brows and go! 

The featured dress that I am wearing from Pink Blush which they sent to me (thanks for the gift!) is a perfect example.  The dress is super cute and so comfortable.  Its the perfect dress for a day of shopping; simple to get in and out of, easy to pair with anything, and adorable all on its own.  Now, when I’m out shopping, I don’t have to peek at those evil mall mirrors in horror and fear.  By picking simple, comfortable pieces and pairing them with a couple of fun accessories, I shift my look from mall maniac to stylish momma who may not even be that pressed to see what you have in that store.  And you know what?  Maybe I’m not that pressed anymore either.  Because in taking a few more minutes to refine what I look like on the outside, I can’t help but take a few minutes to refine what I’m hunting for as well.  Turns out a little discretion before I hit the door reduced a little bit of the impulsivity that nagged at me while I was moving through the world.  Funny how slowing down in one aspect of our life can encourage us to slow down in others.  So enjoy yourselves this holiday, take a few extra minutes to put together a simple, chic shopping look, and see if it changes the way you feel while you’re out.  And whether it does or it doesn’t be sure to tell me if you tried it!  I can’t wait to hear your stories.  Happy shopping and…

Stay Fabulous, Lovelies!

xoxO! Iman 

boots: oldies but goodies; dress - @shopppinkblush on Insta;

boots: oldies but goodies; dress - @shopppinkblush on Insta;